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To sell morels | Where you morels can buy | morels

Morcheln, oder einfach nur Morcheln, sind bei Köchen und Pilzliebhabern eine begehrte Zutat. Der Grund? Im Gegensatz zu Zuchtpilzen, die man im Supermarkt findet ( Crimini , Portobello, Austern usw.), werden sie nur in freier Wildbahn gezüchtet.

Although there are efforts to grow morels, they are breeding extremely difficult, which means that you need to be harvested, collected, where they grow naturally. Morels are usually found in forest areas throughout North America and Europe. Warm and moist conditions are best for the cultivation of morels.

Morels vary greatly in size and appearance. Their Form can range from oblong to round, and their color from blond to gray. They are easy to recognize in its appearance, which resembles a honeycomb. The Interior of a Morel mushroom is white and hollow.

How many types of fungus have morels DoppelgangeR – but they can be deadly. Beware of false morels,  include a number of species that look similar, but are actually poisonous. False morels have a red-brown to yellow color and a side hanging hat. They are not hollow on the inside, like real morels. If you are looking for morels, you do so with an experienced guide.

Morel mushroom hunting | Where you morels finds

Eines der ersten Anzeichen des Frühlings ist die plötzliche Sichtung von Morcheln von März bis Juni. Sie können zwar immer auf  Morcheljagd gehen , aber die Chancen stehen gut, dass Sie sie lieber kaufen, als sie zu finden. Möglicherweise finden Sie Morcheln auf dem örtlichen Bauernmarkt oder in Fachgeschäften. Sie können sie auch online finden.

Fresh morels have a short vegetation period. So check necessarily in late Winter or early spring once more, to see what is available. Dried morels and frozen morels, however, are available throughout the year.


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